
living with grace and glory

I don’t believe that I’ve mentioned how much I’m pleased with having a broad view of the sky from my new apartment. It’s really only the southeast quadrant but compared to my previous three addresses, it seems both generous and accessible. I’ll settle for a view of that storm that hit me, after the fact; after all, I’ve settled for so much less in the past.

But that does come with a problem in storytelling, illustrating, photographing. No matter how unique each morning becomes, it’s really the same old story: the sun comes up in a blaze of glory. You thought evil could be astoundingly mundane? Well, grace and glory can seem to be the same old same old as well.

My temporary solution to this is stew. Let’s toss into a single post a selection of dawn photos from the past six months. It’s a never ending tale and these are but random episodes. No matter the sequence of photos, it’s the same old tale of love and morning.

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

Though I have to admit: living among the tops of trees does provide a different perspective on lightning and wind.

“Chocolate: Food of the Gods”

I do love chocolate and so I found this episode of Ancient Americas to be a special delight. It covers the pre-colonial history of the beverage and its place in Meso-American civilizations. And it’s a really nice introduction to one of my favorite YouTube history channels. If you like this episode, you’ll like the others as well. (40:38)