mooning the bourgeoisie since 2017

Something there is about odometers that fascinates: look at that new number rolling into view. Well, for what ever it is worth, Yip Abides is 5 years old on October 31, 2022. For your humble blogmaster, this seems an utterly trivial observation yet it comes with an amazing weight of ephemera. It’s like discovering that big fluffy cloud above tilts the scale at thousands of tons. Who would imagine… and who has time for it all? And what I was thinking to begin a blog on Halloween?

Five years is not a bad run for a blog though it’s easy enough to find active blogs that are older. I think I can manage a few more years at least though I can’t anticipate how Yip Abides might change. Lately it’s been a photography blog, but really I’m no more of a photographer than I am a poet or storyteller or political commentator or podcaster. Since the blog doesn’t feed me, it could become just about anything.

Or nothing. But a heads up will be posted when it comes to that.

But thank you for your attention, however long or short. Our personal bandwidth is limited so every visit is a birthday for the blog.

In the meantime, feel free to use this occasion as a reason for some merry intoxication or some other gluttony (Halloween candy, perhaps?) as you prefer. You deserve it.

Photo by Roman.

It’s Been a Gas

Photo by Roman.

There is a part of archeology that studies the history of individual buildings as reflected by the physical structure of the building: the ways in which culture, technology and economics influenced not only the original construction but also what has been added or repurposed or deleted and what has been left behind as too troublesome to remove. That last is what you are looking at here: redundant gas lines.

Bike Stand

Photo / graphic by Roman.

There are I-don’t-know-how-many of these bicycle racks scattered about the Rogers Park neighborhood. They are such an obvious photo subject that I imagine there must be hundreds of such photos, at least, scattered about the web. So here is my contribution: not the stand itself but its shadow, as if on canvas.